Cannabidiol or CBD oil has proven to be effective in treating various signs and symptoms of medical conditions, such as anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. But did you know that CBD can also help relax your furry friend?
However, before giving CBD to your dogs, check out these essential considerations first.
Your Dog’s Current Medications
While CBD is generally safe, it’s always best to be attentive to what medications your dog is taking, as a preventive measure. If your dog is taking any form of prescribed medications by the vet, it’s important to seek expert advice before combining these medications with CBD.
Many veterinarians are not fully aware of the benefits of CBD among pets, nor are these medical professionals allowed to prescribe CBD products. For this reason, you can check trusted online resources for recommended dosages for different usage. There are many animal advocates and enthusiasts, like celebrity groomer Jonathan David, who support CBD use as an alternative and safe treatment for dogs and other pets.
Your Dog’s Current Medical Condition
Talk to your vet and review your dog’s medical history to ensure that the health of your dog is in good condition. Liver or kidney issues may slow down the absorption of CBD, which would require lower doses given with these types of medical conditions.
Nevertheless, the few side effects of CBD are manageable and tolerable by most dogs, such as drowsiness, increased tiredness, slow heart rate, and increased thirst.
Here are some tips when giving CBD to your furry friend to minimize these unwanted side effects:
- Hydrate – Provide plenty of water so your dog can avoid dry mouth. Like human beings, dogs may also experience dry mouth when taking CBD. Because dogs don’t sweat profusely, they use their tongue as a compensatory mechanism to cool down. Especially in hot weather conditions, your dog could be more likely to get dehydrated, aggravating their thirst and dry mouth.
- Know when not to give CBD to your dog – Don’t give CBD to your dog if they are overly fatigued or just came from a tiring physical activity.
- Check your dog’s heart rate before giving CBD to avoid bradycardia (slow heart rate) – The average resting heart rate of adult dogs is between 60 to 100 beats per minute. Measure the heart rate of your dog using your hand, before giving them CBD oil. Feel the heartbeat on your furry friend’s left side at the back of his front leg. Whatever number of heartbeats you get in 15 seconds, multiply it by four to get the beats per minute. Take measurements about twice or thrice to ensure accurate results.
If your dog’s heart rate is lower or higher than normal, then it might not be advisable to give them CBD oil.
CBD Oil Dosage
It can be confusing for a novice CBD user to determine the best dosage for dogs. Cannabis oil or CBD oil is legally sold as long as the tetrahydrocannabinol level or THC level is not more than 0.3 percent.
The major factors that influence CBD dosing for dogs include CBD potency, and the dog’s weight, size, and existing ailments.
At the moment, there is no standard dosage for CBD. That’s why many manufacturers rely on their research and development for dosage and CBD concentration calculation.
Here are the expert recommendations when calculating the best CBD dosage for your furry friend:
- Provide 0.2 milligrams of CBD per pound. For instance, if your dog weighs 35 pounds, you can give him 7 milligrams of CBD.
- Follow the recommended dosage of the manufacturer, which is highly advisable since not all CBD oil products are created with similar concentrations.
- If your dog prefers CBD treats, you can also follow the serving suggestions of the manufacturer.
Desired Effects
As a responsible pet owner, you want to give CBD oil to your dog for a good reason, which will determine the best dosage for your furry friend. The more complex the health condition of your dog, the higher the dose needed.
For instance, the dosage for chronic pain is higher than superficial or acute pain. Chronic pain usually has a deeper root cause that needs to be resolved by a more effective pain management strategy.
Here are the different medical conditions that CBD can help your dog with:
- Stress and anxiety
- Arthritis and joint pain
- Nausea
- Upset stomach and other digestive problems
- Epileptic seizures
- Pain
- Chronic inflammation
CBD oil can be highly beneficial for your furry friends because of the therapeutic or healing effects it provides, but with some possible side effects.
Like humans, dogs experience anxiety, stress, and pain. CBD oil can help manage these signs and symptoms. The most important thing to consider before giving CBD oil to your dog is to include the right dosage, which is suitable for your dog’s size, weight, and current health condition.